Fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience, now with.

To advance to the next level you will need to fulfill the requirements, so you can learn new technologies, recruit better warriors and change the type of buildings, eg. Download Order of War Demo for Windows to play a large-scale World War II strategy game. These are needed to construct buildings, create infantry, cavalry, archers, upgrades, and advance to new epochs.

During the passage the user will use 4 types of resources: stone, food, gold and wood. Artificial Intelligence has several skill levels. Workers help develop the economy, and the barracks and smithy allow you to improve and increase your army. The main task is to destroy the opponent's troops and base to knock him out of the match. In campaigns there are certain tasks, both major and minor, for example: to get a certain amount of resources, not to lose too many warriors, to create a building and others. You will need to take advantage of available resources, build buildings, recruit more workers for extraction, and start building an army. During each match the gamer appears on a specific map with a main building, several workers and starting materials. In Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings there are 5 story campaigns with consecutive levels covering real-life historical events.

Under the control of 16 nations with their own features, types of buildings, units, improvements, and other elements. Scenarios cover historical moments, and the user will go through the fall of the Roman Empire and visit the Renaissance. The player is able to take control of one of 13 civilizations to bring it prosperity and win a war. The game includes frequent updates that include event, additional content, and new game modes, and enhanced features with the recent addition of co-op mode.
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Age of Kings - Real-time strategy whose events are set in the Middle Ages. Age Of Empires II Definitive Edition Free Download This game Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition features the last Khans with 3 campaigns and 4 new civilizations.